Why Was Abraham Lincoln Unjust

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Pages: 2

On November 6, 1860 Abraham Lincoln won the election with a 40% popular vote. Lincoln delivered his first inaugural address on March 4, 1861 to a crowd of 25,00 people. On November 8, 1864 President Lincoln was re-elected into office. On April 14, 1865 Lincoln was killed in Ford’s Theater by John Wilkes Booth. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln was unjust because he because he ended slavery and rebuild the south. However some people believe he caused the civil war.

on January 1, 1863 President Lincoln signed a document that would be known as a great document of human freedom. One famous quote from the document is “The people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free”(http://emancipationproclamationof1863.weebly.com
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He started by offering pardons and allowing African Americans to be sharecroppers and tenant farmers. Lincoln also made a law stating that 50% of the population must make an oath to not be in the confederacy. President Lincoln also allowed southern politicians back in office. Sadly Lincoln would be assassinated before being able to finish out his ideas. There are some people that believe that lincoln was responsible for the war itself.

Some people say that there was no choice but to vote for lincoln because the other candidates running were not fit to be president. People also say that the south wouldn’t have succeeded if a republican won the election. However, people were already thinking about leaving the south before the war even started. In fact democrats wanted there party to loose so they could leave the union. Lincoln had nothing to do with the civil war.
Overall, President Lincoln's assassination was unjust because he abolished slavery and started to reconstruct the south. However some people believe he started one of the greatest american wars. John Wilkes Booth was found in a cabin a few days after the death of the beloved President and was shot on seen. He died later on due to his injuries. All in all Abraham Lincoln will always be known as the president that ended