Why Was Antietam A Turning Point

Words: 648
Pages: 3

On April 12, 1861, the first shots of the Civil War were fired at the Battle of Fort Sumter. Tensions between different parts of the United States had been building before then, with the South wanting to protect slavery from the North, but they boiled over on that fateful day. As the war progressed, the Union was losing. This forced Lincoln to procure a plan that would change everything: the plan to issue the Emancipation Proclamation and free slaves in rebelling states. When he initially thought of changing the goal of the war to one of abolishing slavery, the action of implementing the Emancipation would have seemed like a desperate measure (especially considering their recent losses); Lincoln had to wait for the Union to win a major battle. The Confederacy, too, was awaiting such a battle, as one more victory would result in the British recognition of the Confederacy, which would be detrimental to the North. Alas, this battle did arise, and it changed everything.