Why Was Beethoven Such A Genius Essay

Submitted By enjian
Words: 352
Pages: 2

Why Was Beethoven A Musical Genius
“Practice makes perfect.” Most of us know Ludwig Van Beethoven and regard him as a musical genius because he was able to remember what instruments and sounds were like even after he lost his sense of hearing. More than just talent, Beethoven's musical genius comes from his beneficial family education in his young age and his ability to work hard after he lost his hearing.
Beethoven's family education, especial his father's strict discipline built his musical solid foundations well before his 9 years old. His grandfather , Lodewijk van Beethoven, was a musician from Mechelen in the Southern Netherlands (now part of Belgium)1, and his father, Johann van Beethoven, worked as a tenor in the same musical establishment and gave lessons on piano and violin to supplement his income.2 His father was his first teacher and he taught him very strictly, and he let the child Beethoven "made to stand at the keyboard, was often in tears." 3 Because his father’s “harsh” discipline, the child Beethoven worked hard and had been beginning to compose and perform at a concert at his age of 8. No father’s education, no Beethoven’s success.
His never giving up and working hard4 even deaf had been displaying his exceptional superior intellectual ability, creativity, or originality. He became completely deaf when he was 31 years old.5 But he adhered to his musical career, and never gave up, and wrote over 40 symphonies with his strength and passion for music, his