Why Was The Nile River Important To Ancient Egypt

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Pages: 3

The Nile River is very important to the ancient Egyptians because it gave them water and rich soil for their farms, especially when it is flood season. We can also call it a ¨Freeway¨ because it was like a main road to the people of ancient Egypt. The egyptians used the Nile river to get to places. For instances they went up and down the river, they traded gold, copper, and timber. It's over 4,000 miles long and the river is nice and smooth because the wind is blowing south, so it was easy to navigate. The ability to trade made them wealthy and powerful.
They also called it a freeway because that is where all the homes and temples were built, that's where everything was built around it. It was just as important to us as a road that leads to all the stores and houses. It is a good way of trading routes, which that leads to roads.
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They used limestone for making pyramids. Pyramids were very important they needed limestone to build it out of. They are made for putting the pharaoh's tomb in it so they need the maximum protection. Papyrus was also very important to the ancient Egyptians but not as important as the Nile river. Papyrus is a bad version of today's paper. But they didn't know that. They used papyrus to write on, they would write hieroglyphics on it. Without papyrus they really didn't have anything to write on except on stone tablets. Papyrus and Limestone was very important to ancient Egyptians but not as important as the Nile