Why We Crave Horror Movies By Stephen King Essay

Words: 972
Pages: 4

Many people think that the reason why we like specific books is because they have an interesting story, this is a slightly true assumption. Yes, the book will be fascinating if it contains an interesting story, but what makes a story interesting in the first place? The thing that makes a story fascinate the reader is how much the story connects to them. This is exactly how Stephen King enthralls us to read more and propels us into trusting him. In “Why We Crave Horror Movies” King uses an informal tone and pathos making his thesis about the shared lunacy of mankind easier to get behind.
King is using an informal tone to allow for a better connection between him and the reader. King establishes an informal tone by cracking a dark joke about dead babies when he is writing “‘What’s the difference between a truckload of bowling balls and a truckload of dead
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King uses this joke flawlessly to connect with the reader by allowing the audience to find a similarity between themselves and King. Not only does the joke provide a useful connection between the audience and King, allowing them to believe in his assumption, but at the same time King is utilizing it to support his thesis that “If we share a brotherhood of man, then we also share an insanity of man.” (2). King’s connection with his audience is what bestows this article with the power to change readers minds, King again connects with his reader and establishes an informal tone by using informal diction. King, while talking about how the readers should “keep the gators fed” (2) by watching horror movies and allowing the “The potential lyncher” (2) to “let loose to scream and roll around in the grass” (2) via horror movies. King talks about why he keeps the gators fed “Why bother? Because it keeps them from getting out, man” (2)