Why We Should Allowe Prayer Be Allowed In Schools

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Pages: 5

Prayer. A word that has 3 consonants and 3 vowels. A word that pops up in many courtrooms today. That one little word has caused much controversy in our country for many years. There seems to be no solution to where that word can be expressed and how. The founding fathers of this nation set our nation upon religion and morality. Former president George Washington said that if anyone tried to attack these morals then they shouldn’t consider themselves to be a true, loyal American. The First Amendment of this nation’s Constitution clearly states that we have protection of expressing our religious beliefs from the government trying to control us. But in 1801 a rumor started up that the Congregationalist denomination was about to become the national denomination. Many people went to President Thomas Jefferson with their concerns about the matter. Then on January 1, 1802 President Jefferson wrote the Danbury Baptists, assuring them that “the First Amendment has erected a wall of separation between church and state which is what all the confusion about prayer is about today. …show more content…
Prayer should be …show more content…
Religion is a part of many people’s everyday lives. To make a law deciding where we are allowed to pray would disrupt the lifestyle of thousands of people. We should be allowed to pray where we want to and when we want to. In conclusion prayer should be allowed in schools and public places because it is the people’s right. No one should be allowed to take away a part of our freedom. Praying openly is my right and your right. Don’t take it