Why We Should Be Required To Stay In School

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Pages: 4

Students should be required to stay in school until they 18 for many reasons. When students stay in school until they are 18, they have a higher chance of living a better life. Some other reasons are because if students are required to stay until they are 18 than they can achieve a better education, a higher chance of getting employed, and a lesser chance of getting into trouble. To begin, students should be required to stay in school until they are 18 for a lot of reasons. One of those reasons is because if they stay it improves their chances of getting a job or a higher employment. Getting this will not just help people now it can also affect the rest of their lives. According to source 4: Radio Interview, it states, “Those without a high school diploma have higher unemployment and …show more content…
They get a better education because they have up to two more years of education than the people that drop out at an early age. According to source 2: Newspaper article, it states, “When students don’t walk away from their education, more of them walk the stage to get their diploma, the President pointed out.” This means that students that stay until they graduate get to walk the stage with a better education. Some people think that if raising the school leaving age doesn’t automatically solve the problem than what’s the point in changing it. “So, raising the minimum school-leaving age doesn’t automatically solve the problem.” However some states have decided to take a different tack. According to source 4: Radio Interview, it states, “ That’s why some states have decided to take a different tack… They’ve worked hard to make schooling relevant.” This means that even if they can’t change the required age you can leave school at, they are trying to make school more relevant to help kids after high school in real life