Why We Should Celebrate Columbus Day Be Abolished

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Pages: 4

Since 1792, America has been celebrating Columbus Day, the holiday that honors Christopher Columbus for discovering America. He was a Portuguese explorer, who during his exploration of the New World was sponsored by the queen Isabell of Spain. Because the Columbus’s men killed thousands of Native American, the day has good meaning for some, and bad ones for others. So, many people wonder if America should keep celebrating Columbus Day or not. Even though it was because of Christopher Columbus that America got colonized, he also murder so many Natives American and took advantage of them, which are just unforgivable acts and does not deserve to be honored. In 1492, American was discovered by a European explorer named Christopher Columbus. According to ProQuest, Columbus first reached San Salvador Where he first thought that it was an empty place, but then found out that it was not. The land was already occupied by certain people, who were named of …show more content…
I agree with the term that his discovery was an amazing feat; a feat that made America be what it is today; a feat that made history, but it didn’t have to be accomplished with human blood on top; the blood of the people who were first owner of the same land he stole from them. Nowadays, even children know the truth about the story of Christopher Columbus, the man who is pretended to be a hero, but who’s in reality a murderer. I believe that many of us just celebrate that event without meaning, or only to have a day off, but we should considered our confreres Indian’s feelings. While partying and doing parades for the day, we should ask ourselves how Native Americans feel by that time. Christopher Columbus, viewed as one of the biggest explorer in the world history has not the merit of being honored In America, and the Columbus Day should just be