Why We Should School Uniforms Be Required

Words: 609
Pages: 3

It is the first day of your freshman year. You wake up early with an extreme sense of eagerness to welcome the new adventures the next four years of highschool will bring you. You put on the outfit you bought weeks in advance, but kept it hanging in the closet until now so you could keep it clean for this special day. You look great, and you feel great too. You head to school, convinced that this will be the best day of your life. You arrive, only to hear that the students around you said that your outfit is way too out of the ordinary, which instantly creates a feeling of insecurity and chagrin that will stay with you for the rest of the day, if not longer. Sadly, this event is more common than you know. Kids are constantly becoming targets of bullying, solely based on the clothes they choose to wear. I believe school uniforms should be required in all schools because it would decrease the amount of bullying, it would be cheaper for parents, and it would take a lot of stress off of students. …show more content…
Students, or any child for that matter, should never have to be insecure of the clothes they wear. A school uniform would vanish the idea of teasing someone because of how they are dressed. For instance, a kid who cannot afford the expensive clothes, would not have to feel insecure, because everyone would be wearing the same thing. Giving each student an even playing field on the way they dress, would not only take away one possible factor of bullying, but also give some students the confidence to be themselves in a place where it is not so easy to