William Ms. Gibson Son Analysis

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Pages: 5

Loving a person could make you some berserk things. Love is almost like an addiction for most. The love between a mother and her son can be one of the most sentiment ordeals. Ms.Gibson and her son had a bond like no other they shared laughs with each other they cared for each other their relationship is just full of joy. Ms. Gibson son sure was the true definition of “Momma’s boy”; he has always enjoyed running errands for his mother like picking up the groceries or playing her favorite lottery number for her. Ms.Gibson always knew it was something different about her son. See growing up William Ms.Gibson son was your normal child playing with his most adored red fire truck and running around the back yard. When William was tall enough …show more content…
Gibson was thinking maybe William was just having a bad day. Ms. Gibson began to see a lot more of those days and they got worse day by day it seems. An eye-opener for Ms. Gibson is when William will start to stay at home in his full-size bed and not come out for days. Eventually Ms.Gibson start to miss how sparky and lovable her son William was she got tired of hearing “go away mother”. Ms. Gibson decided it was time to enter her now 40 year old son room; as she gradually twisted the door knob the stale smell of William room meet her at the door. “William” she whispered “are you ok” William almost unrecognizable said “yes mother” as she began to walk she notice William was in a cradle position face full of hair like an Old Western movie. Ms. Gibson mutters “Oh dear what happened to you”? William muffled “I don’t know mother everything hurts my head, my arms, my face even my fingers ache mother”. Ms. Gibson rushed to William aide and rushed him to the nearest hospital. That’s where they have both found out that William was suffering from Huntington’s disease. “Where did this come from Dr. Kim” Ms. Gibson anxiously said. Dr. Kim explains that this type of disease can only be inherited. “Inherited, how” jolted Ms. Gibson a single gene from a parent Dr.Kim responded. What Ms.Gibson didn’t know was that William father was the one who inherited it from his one his parents and now William has the same condition. Dr. Kim said “we will have to keep him for couple days Ms.Gibson. Ms. Gibson confusedly said “ok”. That was the first time they have ever been apart. Ms.Gibson weeping around at night tossing and turning because the only thing she has on her mind is her baby boy William. As days goes by and William was now released from the hospital Ms.Gibson thought everything would go back to how it was but what she didn’t know William condition as worsen. William was back in his room on complete bed rest. What most does not know about Huntington disease is that