Winds In Homer's The Odyssey

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Pages: 1

The Odyssey by Homer is an epic poem about a man called Odysseus and his long journey home to Ithaca. He faces many challenges, but the two main ones are when his men open the bag of winds sending them back to Aeolus and when he faces the Laestrygones. One of Odysseus's hardest challenge wasn't a physical one, but a mental one caused by his crew. When they land on the island called Aeolus, the wind king gives Odysseus 2 parting gifts. His men thinking it contained gold and silver, opened the bag of winds with Odysseus's home in sight sending them back to Aeolus. “Within sight of home, and while Odysseus is sleeping, the men open the bag, thinking it contains gold and silver. The bad winds thus escape and blow the ships back to Aeolus’ island.”