Essay about Witchcraft and Messy Pleated Chiffon

Submitted By tr0ublee
Words: 358
Pages: 2

Izabela Mundzik

For my final major project I have researched into the dark side of witchcraft. The idea that witchcraft and wizardry is something that exist yet its very mysterious as no one has seen it, which was a driver for me though out this project. I have a huge interest in the dark side of witchcraft, especially the part where witches were hung, drowned or burned, creating such the dramatic tragedy. I have looked more into witch stories and look into a film called ‘The crucible’

The collection that I'm going to create will consist of huge capes with layers of light weight fabrics, because witchcraft is very mysterious and ‘weird’ i would like to use unusual fabrics, to create an idea of unique strange story throughout my collection. Im going to be using fabrics like loose silk which can be easily distorted and messy pleated chiffon for layers under the cloaks. As the main fabric for my capes i will use heavy weight moleskin with some faux fur only placed in specific places. My colour palette is all black relating to the season I’m deciding for which is A/W 16.

The target market for my brand is an independent designer as my collection is going to be very dark and alternative. I aim to crate an unusual collection that would shock people. I would like to sell it in a n independent boutique.

My consumer would be very edgy and alternative. Someone who’s very dark yet not afraid of their ‘weird’ style. The costumer would wear heavy boots and piercings. I believe