Wizard Of Oz Color Symbolism

Words: 485
Pages: 2

The Wonderful Wizard of OZ {{mention the author}}uses different colors throughout the novel. The main colors are yellow, blue,red and green. Each color is used to symbolize direction throughout the characters journey much like a compass would have north,south,east and west. The different colors also represent a variety of feelings as the characters pass through each area on their way to Emerald city. Throughout the story, the reader is able to identify the role of each color and what each color symbolizes to the characters.

As Dorothy begins her journey, one of the first use of a color is in Munchkinland. Munchkinland consists of blue and white colors. Here the colors represent a sense of happiness and goodness. The munchkins insinuate that Dorothy must be good and happy because she is wearing a blue and white dress. They tell her the good witch of the south is dressed in white, and the munchkins themselves who are also dressed in blue and white believe their land and community has no evil dwelling
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The yellow brick road represents safety and a sense of going in the right direction to Dorothy and her friends. The road gives them a sense of direction much like a compass. Although she and her friends go off the path of the yellow brick road at times, they believe if they find their way back to the road, their journey would continue in the right direction to the Land of Oz/ .

As they come across a field of red poppy flowers. The color red usually means danger, harm or a signal to stop. The field of red poppy flowers does this by giving off a perfumed scent. When this scent is inhaled it can be dangerous putting the person into a deep sleep. Dorthoy and the lion experience this deep sleep while traveling through the field and cannot be awakened until they are removed where they can breath fresh air.{{Avoid summarizing the story, focus on the