Women In The Antebellum Era

Words: 711
Pages: 3

Ever since the beginning there has been a woman in your life. Without woman there wouldn’t even be life. All throughout the cycle of life, it starts and may even end with women. Even though women are so important to life, there was a low percentage of representation even until the 20th century and even now. Today there are protests about inequality between involving women and African-Americans. The protests going on today are very similar to the protests revolving around abolition, education, and reforms involving rights’ during the Antebellum era. It has been over one hundred years and there is still not equality in the United States. If it has been so long, why hasn’t there been much change for the women. First before women started being recognized, there was a larger movement on African-Americans and slavery. Before the Civil war there was a rise of abolitionist in the Northern States and some of them included women. While fighting for the slaves freedom, some of the women began to see resemblance along with the slaves. The women were already “free” but they were so unrepresented in everything, even to the point where they had no ownership even over their own body’s. It was always a man that’s had their way, and never the woman. Woman did not face the same treatments as bad African-Americans, but women played a …show more content…
Women were starting to stand up against not only slavery, but also for themselves. The reforms during the antebellum era would all women to push for their own rights. They were starting to move away from the “cult of domesticity” which gave them an image of being in the private sphere, being more religious than the men, but at the same time could not preach, and also must always be submissive. Domestic abuse is nothing close to what the millions of slaved dealt with, but it still made a bruise on the