Women In The Early 1900's

Words: 735
Pages: 3

Freedom is described as the power to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Women nationwide during the early 1900’s were restricted from many different rights that the average man still possessed. Through the Earnest decent, women were refrained for the virtues of freedom due to being a married woman. Also, along with limited rights such as voting, they never had the chance to obtain a stable education or job. During the early 1900’s, women were put into an unsuccessful living environment due to the restrictions on jobs, educational opportunities, and a value to vote, similar to that of the women of the Earnest descent. Within the mid twentieth century, women were refrained from maintaining a stable job and income. Leitha, through the Earnest descent spent most of her life in search of a stable job, but was caught between babysitting jobs of the children in her neighborhood. “It was hard for me to find a job even when I was married. The only job I ever had was babysitting the neighbors down the street” (Earnest). During her lifetime of working and …show more content…
Leitha, within her early adulthood, struggled with the value of voting until after she was married. “It wasn’t until I was married during my early to middle adulthood that I actually voted” (Earnest). During Leitha’s early adulthood, she was restricted her power to vote, and had to rely on her husband’s decisions for the election for governmental powers. Furthermore, until the 1920’s when the nineteenth Amendment was passed, women were refrained from voting. “Women had to submit to laws when they had no voice in their formation. Women were also not allowed to vote” (Eisenberg 12). Women were restricted to mainly every right pertaining to freedom, but in the sense of formation, they were still enforced to submit to the law, even if they don’t have a voice in