Women's Oppression In History

Words: 780
Pages: 4

Battle of Oppression
Women were abused and enslaved for many years with no rights to themselves or property. Stuck under the control of men and victim of the traditional roles passed on through the generations, these women felt trapped in routines and it needed to end. Women wanted to own their own things, be a part of the work force, and wanted the right to vote. From the help of a few great women that had the courage to speak up, the women’s oppression movement became a great deal in history. The oppression that women endured started many years prior to their emancipation, women wanted to be equal, but only through various attempts and constant pushing it ended in their favor.
Oppression of women started many years back, the exact year
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In the book, Seneca Falls and the Origins of the Women's Rights Movement, McMillan and Gregory explains, “Women lectured widely, formed ad hoc committees to study issues relevant to women... They conducted petition campaigns, edited newspapers, raised money, wrote letters and essays, and occasionally engaged in acts of civil disobedience” (105). Newspaper were a great way to get information out state wide on the women’s cause. A lot of influential women utilized this tactic to further push their cause in addition to reaching out to households. Money was raised to fund their campaigns and to assist in the hosting of conventions. Further, other tactics used for the women’s right’s cause were partnerships with the anti-slavery activists, and the previously described, “civil disobedience” which were riots and protest in the streets. These protest often lead to arrests of the participating parties and then while imprisoned, women, would rally together in hunger strikes. Furthermore, all of these actions that women took participation in were necessary to ensure their cause was …show more content…
All this was started with a few brave women with the drive to change what they felt was wrong. Women were enslaved by men even though they were made of the same flesh and blood. Various tactics were used to push their cause. From conventions, protesting, and all the way to hunger strikes, women did not give up their fight for justice. All this lead to a successful end of women getting what they deserved for their years of oppression. To this day women still fight to further their equality in the military to serve their country just as the men do. The bravery of few led to a tremendous future for all