Women's Power In Sophocles Antigone

Words: 290
Pages: 2

Men are accustomed have the power handed down to them so they are lead to believe that it's because they are superior to women, so when a woman has access to power they try to suppress them as they do not want their power to be handed to someone that could handle it better. Antigone was brought upon Creon after she was found guilty of burying her brother's corpse after Creon specified to let his body rot and not be buried. Antigone did her duty as a mourning sister but even if done by duty she still defied the law put in by Creon; the king. Creon states, "Now I am no man, but [Antigone] is a man if power lies with her with impunity" (30). Creon knows that if he lets Antigone go free she will be more powerful than him as she would be a woman