Women's Rights In The 1920s

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Pages: 4

GS 6- Women’s Rights Advocates
The 1920’s witnessed a revolution in the thinking and behavior of American women. Although vague, this statement presents a summary of women's lives during the twenties. Before World War I, women were simply a “man’s assistant”--allowing them no power, this; however, changed in the 1920’s. Before the war, women had no say in political issues. This changed with the ratification of the nineteenth amendment.Not only did American woman political say change, but so did their overall lifestyle and attitude. Last of all, women were now tasked with harder, more bold careers. It is because of these three topics of political power, overall attitudes, and new jobs that American women revolved during the twenties. Before
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Although women continued to do housework, along with the assistance of the bread slicer, ready made clothes, and canned foods, it became less prominent. According to a 1920’s Indiana woman, “I consider time for reading clubs and my children more important than...careful housework and I just don’t do it.” It became less important to women because they were now not only occupied with new freedoms, but with their new careers. Roughly 3 million women graduated college during the twenties to become teachers, nurses, librarians, social workers, bankers, lawyers, police and prohibition officers, typists, filing clerks, secretaries, stenographers, and office-machine operators. This college degree allowed women to get well paying jobs in a booming economy. Other woman that did not earn college degrees became store and assembly line workers. Yet other women also dared to do what was thought only men could do, like flying airplanes, driving taxis, and drilling oil wells. With all of these new career opportunities, women gained many new freedoms in the workplace and an overall good image.
Throughout the 1920’s, American women gained many new rights and opportunities that allowed them to revolutionize. With the help of the nineteenth amendment, women became thirsty for more freedom. They began to dress and act in more assertive ways, or as they viewed it, like men. Along with the new attitudes, women also gained new careers. The workforce became filled with women. Due to the new amendment, assertive habits, and new careers, twenties women possessed more power than ever. Thus, the twenties revolutionized the thinking and behavior of women across