Women's Role In The Story Of An Hour

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Pages: 3

The Women Roles in Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin is a popular short story about an hour in the main character’s life, Mrs. Mallard. She is a middle-aged woman with heart trouble. Her sister Josephine and her husband’s friend Richard found out terrible news that Mr. Mallard has died. They try to figure out the most reasonable and easiest way to break the news to Mrs. Mallard, considering she has a heart condition. Immediately, Mrs. Mallard shocked them by her excitement and joy of her husband’s death. She now feels free from her caged and depressed marriage and can now live for herself. Mrs. Mallard was not aware that he was not actually dead. When he walked into the door and Mrs. Mallard dies of a heart attack. Mrs. Mallard’s defenseless position in marriage makes her feel happy and excited about her husband’s death. In the story, female identities are the main key to Chopin’s writing. Women were properties of their husbands during the 19th century. Women during that time period were known because of their husbands. They had to use the husband’s last name such as Mrs. Mallard. At the beginning of the story, the narrator introduces the main character as Mrs. Mallard only. If she is not referred to by as Mrs. Mallard, she would be called …show more content…
Mallard’s marriage is a trap that eventually leads to losing all of her freedom. She feels imprisoned by her marriage and immediately feels relief when finding out the tragic news about her husband’s death. Mrs. Mallard states, “A kind intention or a cruel intention made the act seem no less a crime…” Chopin illustrates in the quote that marriage can come simple and kind or it can be cruel and tragic. Mrs. Mallard continues to whisper in her room, “Free! Body and soul free!” She expresses the way she feels through the quote and cannot contain her excitement. Mrs. Mallard is upset about her husband’s death husband’s death, but she is more excited about her having her freedom