Work Life Balance Case Study

Words: 777
Pages: 4

B) From the data that have been collected from 300 employees in the university. Two propositions need to be tested by statistics methods as follows:
-An individual’s perception of work-life balance base on the number of hours worked, how enjoyable work is perceived to be and an individual’s obligations outside work. Assumed the proposition to be an alternative hypothesis (H1) that there will be a significant prediction of work-life balance by work hours, enjoy job and individual’s obligations. Hence, a multiple regression is selected to predict an individual’s perception of work-life balance base on these three variables because Regression analysis is typically used to predict the values of a dependent variable given the value by one or more
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Men 119 4.63 1.653 -3.154 288 .002
Women 171 5.25 1.635
Note. t=t-test statistics, Sig. = p-value.

As predicted, Women (N=171) were associated with work-life balance M = 5.25 (SD = 1.653). By comparison, Men (N=119) were associated with a smaller numerically work-life balance M = 4.63 (SD = 1.635). The assumption of homogeneity of variances was tested via Laven’s test that showed no violation, p = .887. As we can see from the table 2, the independent samples t-test was associated with a statistically significant effect, t (288)=-3.154, p=.002(p-value < 0.05). There is no evidence to support the null hypothesis. Thus, the hypothesis/proposition is true. Women were associated with statistically significantly larger mean work-life balance than men. These results suggest that women really struggle more than men in finding work-life balance within a university setting.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note. The paper I have based my write-up and table is ‘Are consumer’s reason for against behavior