Worksheet: Concept and Uncontrollable Variable a . Essay

Submitted By apbhall
Words: 367
Pages: 2

Return to the article that you critqued in WS6, Evaluating the effectiveness of gel pillows for reducing bilateral head flattening in preterm infants: a randonized controlled pilot study (article is attached). Answer the questions using the attached article.
1. Is the framework explicitly presented or must it be extracted from the literature review?

The framework in the study is implicit since the observable phenomena and the rationale for the inquiry are not stated. It must grow out of the literature review.

2. Does the framework describe and define the concepts of interest?

The framework stated 3 variables in the study and is divided into independent variable (therapeutic or care factor), dependent variable (bilateral head molding) and uncontrollable variable (utero factor and birthing experience). However each were not conceptually defined although the researcher specified attributes on independent and uncontrollable variables.

A. Therapeutic or care factor 1. Repositioning 2. Attention to restricting device 3. Type of mattress surface or pillow

-Size of head molding

A. Utero factor
B. Birthing experience 1.Type of delivery 2.Birth weight 3.Gestational age

3. Does the framework present the relationships among the concepts? Is a map or model of the framework provided for clarity?

The framework only identified the variables without presenting their relationships. The researcher did not include an illustrated conceptual framework to provide a visual