World History Notes Essay example

Submitted By lilythom
Words: 890
Pages: 4

Alexanders Empire
Philip II of Macedon
Alexander’s Conquest (336-323 BCE)
India (not quite)
Alexander’s Death
Antigonus, Seleucus, and Ptolemy
Hellenistic Age
Blending of Cultures
Greek but not Greek
Alexandria emerges
Advance of Science and Math
Feud of Philosophy stoicism-logic and no emotion (emotion gets in the way of logic)
Epicureanism-if it feels good do it (drinking eating, everything fun)

Rome (500 BCE-500 CE)

Early Rome
Social Stratification
Patricians (senators), Plebeians, Twelve Tables
Branched Government, Strong Army
Competition and Conquest
Punic Wars (Hannibal is at the Gates)
(264-146 BCE)
Roman Empire
War and Caesar
Return of the “Imperator”
Ides of March
Antony and Octavian
Augustus is Emperor
Pax Romana (27 BCE-180 CE) crazy christians

Effects of Christianity
Jesus born, persecuted, and crucified
Paul spreads the word
Romans don’t like it
(The Jews Rebel)
Rome doesn’t like that either
Jerusalem Destroyed (70 CE) -- Diaspora
Constantine the “Christian Emperor”

The Empire is Taken Down
“The schism” (c. 284) weak leaders->two empires new capital (constantine 330)
Gallic invasions they start running Rome from here on out.
476 BCE

What Did Rome Leave Us
branches law Art, Literature, Philosophy some was stolen from the Greeks
The “Idea”
Greco-Roman Culture = Western Civ.

Philosophically, c 550-500 BCE
K’ung (Fu-) Tzu [Confucius]
Nature of man is corruptible (tends to do bad things)
Must seek Jen (Ren)
Humanity -> “Moral Virtue” or “Benevolence”
Must learn it through study
Gov’t is the way to show ren filial ideology - state is like a family bureaucracy and governmental reform civil service system

seeking “the way” = dao nature of man is good seek harmony with nature not man wie-wu-wie=action through inaction
strong, controlling gov’t carrot and stick idea to running the county
“Folk” Philosophies yi ching oracles and common sense yin and yang contrast and balance
Politically, c. 221 BCE
Qin dynasty and shi huangdi not confucian but legalism harsh government autocracy through “uprooting” centralizing elimination of confucian ideology strong eternal defenses internal settled; outward expansion conquests and roads great wall over 4000 miles long caused between 2 and 3 million casualties cannot be seen from space huangdi dies, government falls apart warlords start fighting each other for the open power
Han China
Liu Bang general turned “traitor” first Emperor of the new dynasty re-centralizes power, relaxes legalistic doctrine brings back confucianism
(Empress Lu)
Wudi (141-87 BCE) the grandson the “martial emperor” expands china to modern borders problems with the xiongnu
Unifying culture under the han agriculture/technological development confucianism and civil service migration and assimilation problems with the han dynasty
Interregnum period wang mang (11BCE-9 CE) takes power-flood-killed
New Han Dynasty same cycle, same problems splits into three kingdoms (c. 220 CE)

Han China
Dates of existence
27 bc-476 ad
202 bc-220 ad formation empire replaced republic empire replaced rival kingdoms government centralized bureaucratic government centralized bureaucratic government expansion built roads and defensive walls built roads and defensive walls population 3.4 million square miles/population of 55 million area of 1.5 million square miles/pop of 6o million language latin did not replace other written languages in empire chinese relations with surrounding cultures (nomads/tribes) ongoing conflict with nomads conflict with the nomads reasons for decline ongoing conflict conflict with nomads, financial conflicts, over