Write An Essay On Children In The Media

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Pages: 3


1. The portrayal of children in the media usually takes two paradoxically different courses in which the portrayal recognized under the categories of innocence or evil encircled by the law and supported daily by the media which it could have the right to insert the children under innocence or remove them the evil, however, the media impacts gravely upon the children providing them a considerable amount of positivity or, conversely, unquantifiable negativity, and also the media's obsession of the randomness of the risk. The evil view of children affects the portrayal significantly as they are cold calculating predators or even vicious monsters on the other hand, the view of innocence could view the children simply as tragic victims or vulnerable preys need to be protected.

2. Stranger danger represent an inconsiderable ratio, the children are likely to abused by someone they know , statistics reveals that the children often murder by a parent or an adult known to them, and they are likely kidnapped by a non-custodial family member, therefore telling children to fear stranger it's almost threatening sitting too much close for comfort, because children do not recognize the difference between the stranger or the known one
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Children shouldn’t in any case tried as an adult, may the use is to deter a juvenile from committing a serious offense, however, the dangers would be probably more higher than the expected benefits, we should keep children out of the adult system, Statistics unfolded that juveniles prosecuted in adult court and released from state prisons were rearrested 82 percent of the time, while their adult counterparts were rearrested 16 percent less. Children need more protection in order to keep them safe and the process of rehabilitation goes as expected that's why juvenile courts were established in the nineteenth century it's a confession that children not by any means be a peer to the adults in terms of cognitive