Ww2 Dbq Analysis

Words: 724
Pages: 3

Blood, sweat, and tears were common during 1939-1945. Those were the years of fear and hunger. These feelings were all caused by one reason. Power. The overwhelming feeling to control and take over every nation, taking innocent lives thousand by thousand every day, to become a superpower. This is how the WWII started. Hitler wanted the power to rule over all the nations, and execute everyone who didn't fit his standards.

WWII was built off of the main idea of controlling the world. Adolf Hitler yearned to be the superpower. All this caused six years of catastrophic citizens. In result of Hitler losing the war Germany was divided. But, that wasn't the end of the issue of power. The Berlin wall was built shortly after the war. The wall divided
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The United States and Korea have been going through a sequence of word exchange throughout the past years. As Korean technology advances we have to start thinking of strategy like in a game of chess, what will be the right move and which one not to take (Doc.8). However, white supremacy has been on the rise again, Trying To take charge. For example, The recent Charlottesville supremacy rally last August,(https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/05/02/607663487/white-man-convicted-of-beating-black-man-at-charlottesville-white-nationalist-ra ) where a black man was beaten by white supremacists. NATO and SEATO where alliances with good intent (Doc.2); but now we need to worry about the alliances formed by our average society today. Moreover, others have felt obligated to not try to earn their place in this world, but live off of the government assistance. In the 1900s our nation was using money as a form of bribe by giving economic aid to other nation so they wouldn't go communist (Doc.7).Today the government money has gone to people when need it so they are not living on the street. But there are those who think they have power because they are getting the government money and they choose to give nothing and live off of the government. this is a huge enduring issue because