Paul Hewitt: The Coolest Day Of The Years

Submitted By BrittanyKaylaa
Words: 612
Pages: 3

My short story is when I was four or five years old was at home with my family sister one and sister two. All was calm and the birds were chirping and we were at my old house on Hurst road. It was the calmest day of the year and it all changed when and bird died and fell out of the sky. And then randomly there were five monster trucks that had a clown face front. When the trucks appeared thunder rolled for at least 45 seconds. We had just had dinner and a storm just appeared out of nowhere. Then sister one and sister two came with them and I should have figured that it was going to be them because they bring trouble wherever they go. When they have arrived they are like yo yo yo what up brosive. I always knew that they were watching me do other stuff. They have warned me to be good and I did not listen and now the clown trucks are going to take me away.

When the storm has started I was just getting done with dinner and then a package has derived in side was………. My mom and my dad where watch the presidents speech in my living room. Then my dad fell asleep (like he always does) and then my moms turn the channel to here sop. When she was almost done with it a big roar woke my dad up and turned it back so he can figure out what is wrong with the world today. The president of 2069 was Paul Hewitt. The three year of his term and the next to be president is Cory Glass. Cory Glass is the most unlike person in the world. The people are trying to get Paul reelected for the 7th time and so far he has made a big difference.

“And after the ten o’clock news we bring you the new storms that are coming. “The news editor. Dad got up because the doorbell rang and there was a package at the door. The UPS man said it was heavy and he needed help. So he went to help him and it was raining so they had to run but they could not run because if they did they would slip and fall. So they finally got the