Young Autistic Children: Article Analysis

Words: 742
Pages: 3

Scholarly Articles
I found five different articles about autism and I learned a lot about autism which is a new subject for me the first one i found was a study by A group of professors from The UCLA school of medicine replicated an extend research (Sigman & Ungerer, 1984a) on the social and cognitive correlates of language acquisition in young autistic children by investigating the relations among object play skills, nonverbal communication, and language abilities. The aim of this study was to determine the social and cognitive correlates of language acquisition in autistic children. Functional and symbolic play skills were shown to be associated with language abilities in a sample of young autistic children (mean CA 54.5 months), thereby
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The novel starts with the murder of Mrs.Shears dog and Christopher starts investigating to find out who killed the dog named Willington. We start knowing more about Christopher and we know that he goes to a special school and that he is good in maths and he is quite normal except he has some problems in communicating, like talking to strangers, understanding jokes, and a verbal disability. Throughout the story we see how Christopher is living his life, his challenges, his dreams , his thoughts and feelings that help us understand his personality more, and at the same time, we are trying to figure out who killed Willington. Christopher is one of one percent of the population who suffer autism. Christopher is very good in maths and he is pretty normal he just has some vocabulary issues, he has some problems communicating with people for example, he don’t like talking to stranger, and he don’t like to be asked so many questions, he don’t like someone to shout at him. Also, he discussed how he cannot tell jokes because he doesn’t understand them. Christopher used an example of a joke in the book when he said “his face was drawn but the curtains were real”. Because drawn has three meanings so when he tries to say the joke to himself, making the world mean three different things at the same time, it’s like listening to three different pieces of music at the same time. Also Christopher has a problem understanding metaphors, for example he was the apple of her eye, or I laughed my socks off, or we had a real pig of a day. He considers it a lie because a pig is not like a day. And when he try to make a picture of the phrase it just confuses