Yvain The Knight Of The Lion Essay

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Pages: 4

In Yvain the Knight of the Lion the audience was given an opportunity of looking into the strange object of the mind of a man. There are many aspects that a man can connect with that other men share the trait of, especially men of the time that Yvain takes place in. Yet there is going to be aspects that are taken differently because just like in real life and even in the story everyone is different. In the layout of the story it allows an insight of how the actions that women take affect the way that men react to certain situations. The time period that Yvain takes place in takes on a role of how the men in the story choose to act whether it be because of the nature in where it takes place or the nurture of how everyone is treated. Men are …show more content…
For example, Yvain fell in love with Laudine at first sight even though when he first saw her she was crying and pulling out her hair in distress of the death of her husband which one would assume is not a very attractive sight. In the same period of time Gawain was also very smitten with Claudine’s servant Lunete who he did not know enough about to sleep with even though he did which was not what a knight should’ve done. Both men did not stick around with the women that they take interest in even though Yvain did marry Laudine, both men seemed to prefer the adventure of the land outside of where the two women were. Gain was the one who convinced Yvain to leave Laudine soon after the marriage and it showed that men have no sense of time management simply because Laudine gave Yvain a certain time in which he was allowed to stay away but he completely forget about it. This made Laudine hate Yvain and refuse to deal with the betrayal that she felt towards him, this guilt made him completely lose his mind and run into the forest. Women tend to make men do crazy things whether it be in real life or in stories because Yvain tried to win back Laudiine with the help of Lunete after he gained his sanity