Zits And His Father Analysis

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Pages: 3

In the novel Zits is placed in his fathers body. In the story one can make connections between Zits and his Father. Some examples of this are: his father blames Pam and Paul, a white couple, for his situation. The same blame and hate Zits felt towards his father. Both the father and Zits are looking for respect and recognition. Both Zits and his father were hurt by there fathers. The author did this for a reason and I think it was to teach Zits. Firstly, When Zits feels his fathers body’s hate and blame towards the white couple trying to help him. “It’s all your fault,” I say again.
“What’s our fault?”
“White people did this to Indians. You make us like this.”
I don’t even know if I believe that. But I think this homeless body believes
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““And then my grandfather walks back into the room. He stands over my father.
“I want you to know what I know,” my grandfather says. “You ain’t worth shit now. And you ain’t ever gonna be worth shit.”” Alexie 249. This excerpt gives exposition about Zits’s father and how he was raised. Because of this, Zits’s Father feared the responsibility of fatherhood and ran away. Thus leaving Zits without a father and later without parents. Lacking a father figure, Zits had made a connection with Justice. Justice, a 17 year old guy, radicalized Zits and influence him into committing an atrocious act, in which Justice promised would bring his parents back. In conclusion, Zits and Zits’s father faced many of the same hardships. With the Given evidence Zits was put in the shoes of his father so that he may forever fear becoming what his father became. My take away from the story is Zits was hurt by his father and hated him for it, but then had the revelation that he was slowly becoming his father. This sparked some change in Zits. A change that helped him decide not to shoot the bank, but rather turn himself in. In addition to opening up to his new foster family and seemingly having a change of