Zombie Apocalypse Research Paper

Words: 874
Pages: 4

From the shows on TV, to the video games, to the Halloween costumes, Zombies have become a really popular in this society. But like everything that relates to disease, hunger,death questions come and people start to think of the possibilities. But there has a question that has people are still not sure for and it is :If any sort of disease or zombie apocalypse were to happen, would we be able to survive it. In my opinion is that we can’t because haven't seen anything that is like an apocalypse and don’t think we have the skills to survive a zombie apocalypse.

The very first reason that I believe that we won’t survive it takes a lot of resources for us to survive. In this society we are so used to getting our resources from the store or somewhere
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A lot of us don’t like death but is will be something we will have to face if a disease hits us. In Source 1 it shows a picture of what the zombie will look like if it were really, I don’t think we can stand to zombies because they show a lot of blood and gore and some people can handle it. On top of that the disease will affect everybody which include our loved ones. This means our sister, brother, parents, or best friends can convert into zombies. In the first source it states that zombies are (or very close to) being brain dead(When They Aren't Eating Us Murrah Leah A.) To get rid of any disease you must get rid of the people who are infected to they don’t infect other people which means you must kill you zombies. Some of those zombies could be people you know and the only option would be to kill them because they are a threat to you and everybody else. An example of this is the show The Walking Dead, in the show people become infected or die. Like everybody else they start to cry or have a hard time when they have to kill their zombie friend/family. Some people might say but there are the strong people who are strong enough to accept death, but not everybody is strong especially when there is an apocalypse where there is a lot of people