Zombie Attack Research Paper

Words: 668
Pages: 3

A zombie outbreak is looming; how will people defend themselves? What type of structure should they barricade themselves in? What should they use to eradicate the zombies? Zombie outbreaks require preparation, lack of preparation is a death wish. Surviving is more than hoping for the best, thriving is a challenge. Here is an outline to help people fight the good fight, and survive the inevitable.
Surviving a zombie attack requires a prime location for survivors to separate themselves from the mass of zombies eagerly awaiting to feast. A great location to be is Sanibel Island, Florida. Sanibel rest a few miles off of the gulf coast outside of Fort Myers. Sanibel offers only one bridge for entry access, which means zombies only have one way to enter. The one-way entry provides all humans defending themselves a central location to focus on if and when an invasion does occur. The bridge leading to Sanibel is more than three miles long, which allows plenty of time for preparation when a wave of zombies begins to make its way across the bridge. Unfortunately for the habitants, one-way
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Hurricane houses are composed primarily of concrete walls, and are extremely resistant to wind damage, which makes them resistant against penetration by a group of zombies. The perimeter outside of the house will be a trench. A trench will essentially trap the zombies, and allow the habitants of the structure to kill them before they can get themselves out. These homes also have a minimal amount of windows, which limits the amount of entrances zombies can enter the structure through. Having fewer windows is beneficial to stopping zombies from entering, but will also limit the habitants from seeing what threats may be lurking outside. A solution to the visibility problem inside of the home is to have a viewing post on top of the house. This allows the person on top to warn the others inside of potential