Zondervan Hand Book Of Ruth Research Paper

Words: 1251
Pages: 6

During the story of Ruth, farming was very important to the people. People with large farms and with many animals were considers rich. Those types of people (rich), had poor people who couldn’t afford to feed their families working for them. It was through working for the farms owners that poor people could sustain themselves. The most types of crops grown om farms was grains. It seems as during that time most people ate grains a lot. It was also because of farming that Boaz met Ruth, when she had nothing and decided to work for him and grains was what Boaz used to show that he cared about Ruth. According to the Zondervan Hand Book of the Bible 4th Edition states, “There were many ways for widows to earn a living, and Ruth and Naomi were poor. But the law (Leviticus 19:9-10) laid down that the gleanings of the harvest must be left for the needy. By chance in the common open field Ruth gleans in the part belonging to Boaz, Elimelech’s kinsman. His kindness goes far …show more content…
Everything that happened to Ruth, happened for a reason because it was all a part of God’s plan. According to Life hope and Truth which states,” It seems clear to all who have studied the events of this book closely that God was taken by the character of this devoted, faithful young widow who was willing to put others’ needs before her own. The unseen hand of God was at work to bring all these things to pass, especially when we consider that King David and Jesus Christ Himself descended from this special woman.” Ruth was so caring that God blessed her in marvelous ways for her greatness and for having a kind hear towards others. Making her a part of his family was one way in which God showed that whatever good things we do in this world, there is always something wonderful that is going to happen as favor from God. Kindness doesn’t go as wanted when it comes to God. He loves to see his children making wise decisions and helping each other as the way things to