Zoos: Myth Or Reality By Rob Laidlaw Analysis

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Pages: 2

“What they really achieve is more misery and deprivation” , a quote that shows how animals feel on zoos written by Rob Laidlaw in “Zoos: Myth or Reality”. Zoos are treating animals badly and killing healthy ones to prevent inbreeding, and this is not fair for the animals that haven’t done anything to us. I agree that the state of Florida should ban animals in captivity and stop the zoos for once and for all.
Zoos are getting out of control. They kill animals to prevent inbreeding, and then feed it to other animals. A zoo on Denmark killed a healthy giraffe because they wanted to prevent inbreeding. They later fed his body to the lions. If they wanted to prevent inbreeding, why they just stop breeding this kind instead of killing healthy animals
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Animals suffer physically, mentally, and emotionally according to “Zoos: Myth or Reality” animals are being exploited for personal financial gain.
Some may argue that the state of Florida should not ban animals in captivity, allowing them to stay in zoos because zoos are leaders in education, but are they really? When we go to the zoo animals are usually laying down or sleeping. If we really want to learn something about the animals we could watch shows like Animal Planet or Discoveries that actually show us animals in the wild, being comfortable with no one watching them and doing things they can do in the wild. We can learn more from educational programs, than from going to the zoo.
Zoos treat animals horribly, when animals could be in their natural habitat. “Either zoos can voluntarily adopt humane policies and practices, push for the closure of substandard facilities ,and participate in advocating for laws to help wildlife, or they can be dragged kicking and screaming into the new millennium,” phrase from “Zoos: myth or reality” that tells us what would happen to zoos if they don’t change. It’s evident that the state of Florida should ban animals in captivity. Animals should be much