Zora Neale Hurston: The Harlem Renaissance

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Pages: 3

The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural movement that occurred during the 1920s and 1930s, it was known at the “New Negro Movement” at that time. The New York City district of Harlem became the centre of a cultural movement that was distinctive in African-American history. Black artists created a great body of literacy work, paintings, sculptures, performing arts and music. The Harlem Renaissance without doubt transformed African-American culture. Around 1890, African-Americans migrated to the north calling it The Great Migration which relocated many from the rural South to the urban North. African-American culture was reawakened in the Harlem Renaissance. One of the most abounding writers of the Harlem Renaissance was Langston Hughes, he wrote with the rhythm of blues and jazz. Book publishers such as Zora Neale Hurston was also given recognition quickly after her novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God , which inspired many. What shaped not only America but the world the most during that time of the Harlem Renaissance was jazz. The Jazz Age defied the musical customs. It changed how they dressed, their language, and attitude of youth. It also created a new anarchistic society where people could do what they wished to. …show more content…
African-Americans were finally able to express themselves and prove to the world that they were as capable as white Americans. The American public became more accepting of the black voice. The Harlem Renaissance created a culture that was free from the ideas that were socially acceptable which changed society forever. Harlem became a symbol of African American anticipation. It also created many issues and controversies between integrationist and opponents of cultural integration. Despite the controversies it caused, the Harlem Renaissance led to more opportunities for black people to be published by mainstream