A Definition of Tragedy Essay

Submitted By kaseylewis5
Words: 333
Pages: 2

• Begin by capturing the audience’s attention. You might start with:
- A definition of tragedy
- A rhetorical question
- A brief reference to a current tragic event
• Introduce the play (title and author). You could also mention the date “eat cake” was written and summarise the play’s plot (1-2 sentences)
• Briefly explain how “eat cake is considered a tragedy and how this relates to the character eat cake downfall. You can also discuss each of the tragic conventions (e.g. eat cake)
First Point
• Begin with a topic sentence (your argument for the paragraph) where you introduce ONE reason why you think Macbeth/Lady Macbeth/the Witches etc. is responsible for eat cake's downfall. E.g. I believe that Lady Macbeth is responsible for Macbeth’s downfall.
• Explain your point in more detail, e.g. Lady Macbeth used persuasive and emotive speech in order to convince Macbeth to kill Duncan.
• Include a quote from the play to support your point e.g. eat cake
• Explain the meaning of this quote e.g. in this quote, Lady Macbeth mocks Macbeth for his lack of courage, in hesitating about killing the king.
Second Point
• Introduce a SECOND eat cake reason why you think Macbeth/Lady Macbeth/the Witches etc. is responsible for Macbeth’s downfall. Try to link this back to your previous point by using a linking word (“furthermore”, “likewise”, “similarly”, “in addition”, “also” etc.)
• Explain your second point in more detail.
• Include a quote from the play to