E D Unit 053 Essay example

Submitted By timmy831
Words: 1210
Pages: 5

equality and diversity

answer the following questions:

unit 053 promote equality and inclusion in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings

1.1 explain what is meant by: a. diversity b. equality c. inclusion d. participation (x067.3.1)

diversity: diversity literally means difference. diversity recognises that though people have things in common with each other, they are also different and unique in many ways. diversity is about recognising and valuing those differences. diversity therefore consists of visible and non-visible factors, which include personal characteristics such as background, culture, personality and work-style in addition to the characteristics that are protected under discrimination legislation in terms of race, disability, gender, religion and belief, sexual orientation and age.by recognising and understanding our individual differences and embracing them, and moving beyond simple tolerance, we can create a productive environment in which everybody feels valued. equality: equality means treating people in a way that is appropriate for their needs. for example, if michael flanders wanted to board the plane, it would be no good saying to him, “you have the same stairs as everybody else”. what is needed is a way of getting on the plane that will suit everybody’s needs without showing them up and treating them in a way that is worse than other people. inclusion: educational inclusion is about equal opportunities for all pupils, whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, attainment and background. it pays particular attention to the provision made for, and the achievement of, different groups of pupils within a school. discrimination: discrimination is the prejudicial treatment of an individual based on their membership in a certain group or category.

1.2 describe the potential effects of discrimination

1.2 the potential effects of discrimination can be different for different people. the effects can be physical, emotional or a combination of both. for example children with disabilities may not be given a chance to join in with activities due to others thinking that their disability prevents them from being able to do so. this will make the child feel very different from others. i have listed other possible effects below: * feeling isolated

* low self esteem
* depression
* fear of rejection
* stress
* low self worth
* feeling withdrawn from society
* humiliation
* weight loss/ gain
* fear
* anger long term effects may be:
* loss of motivation
* restricted opportunities
* limited access to services
* long term depression
* increased behaviour problems
* difficulty communicating
* lack of education
* lack of achievement the effects listed above are not only ones that affect the individual child/young person; they are effects that can be experienced by the individuals family and friends too. the individuals family can become isolated from society through trying to protect their child and will often experience verbal abuse for having a family member that is perceived to be different. family members can sometimes feel embarrassed about the shame the victimised individual brings to them and may distance themselves from the individual. those who discriminate others often do so because they have been discriminated against themselves, are unhappy or because they have watched people close to them discriminate against others and are copying and responding to their actions. people that discriminate against others sometimes end up being isolated as many members of society disagree with it and make a stand against those who victimise others.explain how inclusive practice promotes equality and supports diversity. treating everyone as equal and supporting my colleagues within the work place.
2.1 explain how legislation and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity and discrimination apply to own work role.

the equality brings together all previous acts relating to equality and