I think Jesus is trying to convey that Essay

Submitted By Aahbab-Chowdhury
Words: 398
Pages: 2

1) I think Jesus is trying to convey that god has given people knowledge some of it might be straight forward but other might be learned through solving riddles. Also he is trying to tell them that not everything is going to be granted to them they might have to figure out things that they do not understand. I think Jesus used parables in his sentences because I guess not a lot of people were educated and he wanted them to understand the message and he made sure that it had a lasting impression with the people who were listening to him.
2) Jesus believed that in order to live life you have to love god and your neighbor with all your heart. Moses’s commandments had a lot to do with just loving people his commandments included laws which I think was beneficial to the people at the time. They were told what to do some laws were do not perform adultery, respect your parents, pay back loans etc. I think Jesus believed that we only need two commandments because if you truly love god and his people you do not need to worry about the other commandments because you will not break them.
3) Mary was not helping Martha prepare a meal for Jesus. Martha was angry at both of them because the lord was not saying anything and Mary was just sitting next to Jesus. I guess Jesus was playing favorites and it was unfair to Martha because Mary was not doing anything. There is not much information to say anything about this so I can just speculate; maybe Jesus was fascinated by mary and he did