Q & A Essay

Submitted By aqusser
Words: 1005
Pages: 5

p. 12-24

1. Why is the question “who can participate?” perhaps the most important question when considering the legitimacy of a government?

The legitimacy of a government is when people are willing to give up rights in order for a government to protect and lead them. In America, we have a representative democracy. Not everyone has a say (direct democracy), but people are allowed to vote for others to represent us. This is the most important question because the people have the power to choose who is chosen or taken away from the power we have given them.

2. What are the advantages/disadvantages of direct democracy?

If we had a direct democracy, then everyone would have a say in everything what happened. If everyone had a say, they would feel important and be more willing to vote. However, nothing would get done and it would be chaotic.

3. What is a republic, and why might it be necessary in populous places?

A republic is similar to a representative democracy. This is necessary in populous places because it would be too complicated for every person to vote. If there is a single person to represent a group, things will be much more orderly and efficient.

4. What are advantages/disadvantages of autocracy and oligarchy?

An autocracy is when there is one person in charge (monarch or dictator). In an autocracy, everything gets done quickly and efficiently because there is only one person making all the choices. Disadvantages include unhappy people because they won’t have a say in government, they wouldn’t have human rights, make choices without reason or evidence and they could rule for years unable to adapt to the changes going on.

An oligarchy is a government that is ruled by a small group of wealthy, strong or important people. If the government was wealthy, then they will have money to help the people in need. If they have guns or weapons, they could easily protect everyone. Also, with a small group of people, decisions would be made faster. Disadvantages include the upper class being favored by a more affluent government, having military force and intimidating people and among a small group of people there will always be one person who is greedier for power and will try to overrule everyone else.

5. Why is the United States a FEDERAL nation?

A federal nation is one that has a strong national and strong local government. It is important to have a strong federal government because the country needs to feel united as one. It is important that each state has its own government because every state is different. People in New York differ from those in the South. It is important to have a government that tends to each state’s needs.

6. Why does the U.S. have three branches of federal government?

In order to have a fair government, the U.S. federal government decided to split into three branches to make sure there are checks and balances. The judicial, legislative, and executive branches all have different parts but basically equal power. The Supreme Court runs the judicial branch and they decide if laws are just or not. The legislative branch is ran by congress, which consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate, which make laws. The execute branch is run by the President, who enforces those laws.

7. Why must the rights of the minority be protected?

The rights of minorities must be protected because America believes that every U.S. citizen should have human rights. If decisions we made for the majority, then minorities would be forgotten every single time. It is important to be aware of everyone’s needs.

8. Is there a moral good in compromise? Explain your answer.

Yes there is a moral good. In order to compromise, you have to be able let go of some things and become less greedy in order to make everything work. Morally, this is the right thing to do when it comes to agreements. Compromise ensures that both sides lose something, but in the end get what they want