Football has been around for more than 100 years. If it was really too dangerous for people to be playing, it would not be around for that long of time. Let's look at the odds of being in a car crash with injuries being involved. The odds of being injured in a car accident in one year are 1 in 470 (National Safety Council). You are 0.00100766% more likely to be in a car wreck than get a concussion playing football. Why are we obsessing over concussions in football when you are more likely to get in a car wreck. People have not stopped driving their cars nor have they stopped riding in cars. So why do all these people stop playing football? The facts are there that it is more dangerous to ride in a car than play football. Let's obsess over that instead of a simple game. Not everyone plays football but most people do ride in cars. Playing football is safer than riding in a