Explain Why Schools Should Start Later Essay

Words: 643
Pages: 3

Should schools start later? I disagree with this statement because, kids that have jobs wouldn't even be able to make it to work on time. Schools started later there would be no time for after school activities for kids. They would have to start staying even later then what they do know. If the school started at ten o'clock students wouldn't get out until six or so that is when most practice end or close to it. I don't think the schools should start later because, if school started later I would never get to see my family. I would go straight from school to work to possibly to work a four hour shift. Students and staff need to see their family or the people they call family because most kids are close to them and if school started later …show more content…
Some parents may start complaining about not being able to see their kids or family. I do believe that if school started later then not many people would like it, not many people would like the school board anymore they may start saying things and the school board maybe getting a lot of letters about the change and how they feel about the school board for not letting families seeing each other. Some advantages to having school start later is that kids can sleep in and they can focus by the time they get to school. If for say that student can't sleep at night they can sleep in and they can sleep in for a little and they too can get their sleep. Students can get their sleep then maybe they can make their grades go up. Some people say that if you get more sleep the better you are to having better grades. I do in away believe that but, I also believe that studying is a better way then sleep. Some disadvantages are: it would feel like forever trying to get out of school, students get hungry at different times so it would be like the school would have to make dinner and lunch at school. Students can't help when they are use to eating and it's not their fault if school started later. Students and staff need time to get everything done