Pglo Experiment

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Pages: 5

The authors of the experiment established a hypothesis for each plate involved over the course of the experiment. These hypotheses included:
H₀: The experimenters hypothesized that the plates would express no differentiations in growth between each other when grown on plates with different substances added, including: arabinose, ampicillin, LB nutrient broth, and pGLO.
H1: The authors of the experiment hypothesized that the plate containing only the LB nutrient broth and no pGLO would grow excessively.
H2: The authors of the experiment hypothesized that the plate containing LB nutrient broth, ampicillin, and no pGLO would express no bacterial growth.
H3: The authors of the experiment hypothesized that the plate containing LB nutrient, ampicillin,
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First, the authors of the experiment initially added the transformation solution by means of the sterile loop instead of the plasmid DNA. While this plasmid DNA was added later, there was still an excess of the transformation solution that was initially added. In addition, due to a lack of plasmid DNA in the container, it was difficult to get a substantial amount of plasmid in the loop. Thus, only a limited amount of pGLO plasmid made it into the pGLO + test tube. Also, the sterility of the experiment was not nearly as accurate and protective as it likely should have been. As a result, the bacteria plates likely could have lost its sterilization due to contact with outside sources. Finally, there was a large margin of room for human errors within measurements as well as the temperature of the water bath. Thus, the bacteria could have been improperly grown as a result. In future testing, the authors would recommend that the scientists ensure the addition of a substantial amount of observable pGLO plasmid is added initially. Also, in future testing, it is recommended that the scientists use sterility masks, new sterile loops and pipettes for each substance, and keep discussion to a minimum above the plates in order to prevent outside DNA from entering the