Essay about 501 A assignment

Submitted By dianax-00
Words: 1657
Pages: 7

501 Developing teaching, learning and assessment in the education and training
Task A:
a) Analysed the application of pedagogical principle. It should include andragogical and pedagogical principles. This may include theories from Piaget, Bruner and Vygotsky.
b) Analysed ways in which minimum core elements can be demonstrated in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning.
c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the use of creative and innovative approaches.
d) Explained how own practice in planning inclusive teaching and learning has taken account of theories, principles and models of learning, communication and assessment. THEORIES may include behaviourism, cognitivism, constructivism, humanism. MODELS may include pedagogy and andragogy. LEARNING PREFERENCES may include Kolb, Honey and Mumford, Gardiner, Fleming.

Level 5 diploma in education & Training
10th February 2015

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………3
2. Application of pedagogical principle………………………………………..…....3
2.1. Piaget………………………………………………………………………………………..3
2.2. Bruner……………………………………………………………………………..……….3
2.3. Vygotsky………………..………………………………………………………..……….3
3. Analysing ways in which minimum core elements can be demonstrated……………………………………………………………………..…….….4

4. Evaluated the effectiveness of the use of creative and innovative approaches……………………………………………………………………………..……4
5. How own practice in planning inclusive teaching and learning has taken account of theories, principles and models of learning, communication and assessment……………………………………………………………..………..….5
6. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………..6

1. Introduction
The implication of different theories, principles and models of learning are analysed in this report. Sources of information are mostly from my own experience in teaching from my placement and huge number of web pages that I did research.
2. Analysed the application of pedagogical principle. It should include andragogical and pedagogical principles. This may include theories from Piaget, Bruner and Vygotsky.
Pedagogy refers to teacher centred teaching and Andragogy is focused on learning and therefore considered as a learner centred. Andragogical principles are created when educators found problems with the pedagogical assumptions. Different from just transmitting knowledge and skills the andragogical principles focuses more on the educators as facilitators who create resources and procedures available to the adult learners.
2.1. Piaget (1936) was the first psychologist who conducted a systematic study of cognitive development. His work was focused on children’s cognitive development. He believed that there is a difference between the thinking of adult and children. According to him, children are born with a very basic mental structure on which all learning and knowledge is based.
2.2. Bruner (1915), called the father of constructivism, based his concept on the theme that learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon existing knowledge and that learning is an active process. Applying his theory in our everyday practice could be done by starting from what students already know and providing them guidance that moves their thinking forward. Learning trough discovery and problem solving is when students make hypothesis, ask questions and make discussions.
2.3. Vygotsky (1924) believed that true education is not the plain learning of specific knowledge and skills. It is the development of learners’ learning abilities, their capacity to think clearly and creatively and communicate their understanding in a variety of ways. He believed this could be done by providing them with a set of 'cultural tools' for thinking and creating. Using cultural tools, the teachers can develop learners’ abilities which can have influence on building students’ personality.
A teacher should be able to include and incorporate information from different cultures and communities into their lessons to create