A Good Carer In Never Let Me Ishiguro

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My granddad was our family’s peacemaker. No matter what the situation was, he could and would make things better. He never wanted to see someone upset and would do whatever he could to make things right. My grandpa loved elephants and he would collect different forms of elephant art such as: pictures, statues, and paintings. One day I was over his house, running and playing around, and I wasn’t looking where I was going and broke one of his elephant statues. My mother was furious at me and wanted to give me a whooping, but my grandpa insisted that everything would be okay. My grandpa told me he was hurt but he forgives me. In Ishiguro’s novel, Kathy H. brings peace to herself and others by the way she speaks and her actions. In Never Let Me …show more content…
Kathy H. is the longest carer in the novel. Kathy was good at her job even better than others: “[…] Being a carer suited me fine. You could even say it’s brought the best out of me. But some people aren’t cut out for it […]” (207). Kathy’s donors have impressive recovery times and they were considered calm. Others knew Kathy was a very good carer: “But then I do know for a fact they’ve been pleased with my work […]” (3). Kathy H. delivers her donor to death. She brings peace to her donor while he is completing: “He knew he was close to completing and so that’s what he was doing: getting me to describe things to him, so they’d really sink in, so that maybe during those sleepless nights […] the line would blur between what were my memories and what were his” (6). Kathy H. knew her donor’s mind was clear, but he wanted to embrace a new life. He wanted to die at peace with those memories of Hailsham and Kathy H. gave him that. She wanted him to enjoy his last moments before completion and tries to bring peace to him. Kathy learns to understand and empathize with her donors: “I know when to hang around and comfort them, when to leave them to themselves; when to listen to everything they have to say, and when to just shrug and tell them to snap out of it” (3). Kathy contributes to her donors by serving a purpose in their …show more content…
speaks in the novel shows how she symbolizes peace. Kathy always watched what she said and how she said it. Kathy H. never wanted Ruth to be mad at her, so she would watch what she said to Ruth: “I never said out loud that she didn’t know how to play – disappointed as I was, I knew not to go that far […]” (53). Kathy was furious at Ruth, but she knew not to tell Ruth that she was mad at her. Kathy always forgave Ruth no matter how bad she was treated. Kathy always tried to fix things with Ruth when they fell off: ‘If Ruth goes and asks Miss Geraldine, then we’d stand a chance.’ […] I said it standing right behind Ruth, and I could see she was pleased” (62-63). Kathy knew Ruth wouldn’t apologize, so she would try to please Ruth. After years of being laughed at about his artwork, Tommy decides to start working on his art again: “I wanted to say to him. ‘You’re going to make yourself a laughing stock all over again. Imaginary animals? What’s up with you? But I didn’t. I just looked at him cautiously and kept saying: ‘That sounds really good Tommy” (179). Kathy knows that his art is still bad, but she still makes him feel good about the drawings. Kathy lies to Tommy about his art in hope for him to feel better about himself. Tommy and Ruth depended on Kathy H. to fix things when things were bad: “Then they were looking at me, like I was now in charge of everything and it was up to me what happened next. “It’s not a bad theory,’ I said. ‘It might be right, I