A Rhetorical Analysis Chapter 17

Words: 681
Pages: 3

Bimu Manandhar

Looking at chapter 14 through 17 I found most of the artworks are boring. Some of the artwork I really don’t understand that what that artwork trying to show. On the other hand few of the artwork I found really interesting and meaningful. While looking at the chapter 16 artworks I feel like I get many information about the modern architecture during the wars. Similarly, chapter 18 artwork gives me chance to know about the American art before World War II, which were very interesting. Here I am going to explain three artworks from the chapter 14 through 17 that I really like it. One of the painting I really like was from chapter 14 Suzanne Valadon, Blue Room, 1923. Oil in canvas. Musee National d’ Art Moderne, Center d’Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou, Paris. I really like the color combination of this artwork. The color that has been used for the bed sheet and the curtains are so beautiful and it looks so natural. Also, I really like the how the artist has the shown the women with the great expression in the art work. The way the women sitting and how she staring in the one place it looks like she is in big problems with her life, but the how she putting the cigarettes in her mouth without lighting that doesn’t make
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Kaufmann House (Fallingwater), Bear Run, Pennsylvania. I am a nature lover person and really like to visit and see the picture and artworks related to nature, so When see this artwork I just love it. The way the artist has painted the water fall and the stones in the artwork looks so natural and breathtaking as well. looking at this artwork it looks like there is building in the top of that waterfall. Also, the big trees and the peaceful environment around the waterfall makes me to feel I want to go there and sit for a while. Also, looking at the picture it makes me feel like one will forget all their problem and stress if they sit for a