Analysis Of John Updike's A & P

Words: 258
Pages: 2

A&P by John Updike, takes place in 1961, in a small northeastern town grocery store. We first meet Sammy, the narrator, a 19-year-old cashier. Sammy is an opinionated, idealistic teenager with sharp observational skills. Immediately, in the story Sammy finds himself fascinated with a trio of girls adorned in nothing but bathing suits. The girls move seamlessly in their bare feet against the follow of traffic in the aisles. To Sammy ever thing about the girls are unique. Their appearance, movements, and attitudes are in stark contrast of the ordinary day-in day-out routine of the A&P. The girls are a whole away from the “sheep”, as Sammy refers to the rest of customers, in the store. The sheep move through the store, and perhaps through life