Andrew Carnegie: A True Hero

Words: 783
Pages: 4

An evil man gave to the world to clear his name. He is looked to as a hero, but today you will learn that he is not. His name is Andrew Carnegie, and he was the owner of an extremely successful steel company. He grew up with a poor family. He lived in attic of his father’s weaver cottage in Scotland. His early education was limited. When power looms arrived they drove his family out of business so they had to move to New York. He went to work immediately. After that he climbed up in the workplace. He eventually became a supervisor of a railroad company. He made 1,500 a year at 24 years old. He learned to invest and then he went to meet with the man who made the Bessemer process. From there on he just became richer and richer. Some people believe that Andrew Carnegie was a hero who donated to charity. However, that is what he let's be more well know. In truth he was a villain. He was a greedy man who did anything to acquire money. His greed caused problems that he fled from instead of …show more content…
The fact he donated doesn’t overlook the fact that his factories killed people and he underpaid his workers. “As the tightfisted employer he reduced wages that he may play philanthropist and give away libraries,etc” (Document O). He only donated to help his name. He easily could have donated and paid his workers well. He used the excess money on unnecessary things like his own castle. “Ten thousand ‘Carnegie Public Libraries’ would not compensate the country for the direct and indirect evils resulting from the Homestead lockout”(Document L ). How can he be a hero caused lives to be lost when he could have stopped it. Then he tries to make up for it by using the money he got through hurting people to help. He is a villain just because he gave money doesn’t mean that you can overlook that he risked lives and did kill people. He is a villain trying to cover his