Essay on Anthro Study Guide

Submitted By rjmalhotra88
Words: 1682
Pages: 7

1. anthropology- the study of humans, throughout time and cross-culturally
2. physical anthropology- the study of human evolution and physical diversity
3. archaeology- the study of human material culture (artifacts) and analysis of past human activity
4. linguistic anthropology- the study of language and non-verbal communication
5. cultural anthropology- the study of contemporary cultures
6. ethnocentrism- the perspective that one’s own culture is superior to others or the tendency to view other cultures through one’s own cultural framework
7. cultural relativism- the perspective that all societies/cultures possess value; the technique of understanding and describing a culture using its own framework and terms
8. methods of cultural anthropology- extended ethnographic research, participant-observation, ethnographic interviewing
9. participant-observation- a research strategy focusing on social groups requiring involvement in daily life or activities with the group being studied
10. definition of the “global assembly line”- the design, production, distribution, and consumption of goods where different stages of the process occur in different locations around the world to reduce production costs and increase profits
11. Bataan export processing zone- the economic zone in the Philippines dedicated to the production of products for foreign-owned businesses for global export, notorious for poor working conditions
12. maquiladora- factories that were established near the Mexico-U.S. border, for the production of mainly U.S.-owned products, to take advantage of low labor costs and minimal trade regulation
13. “the world is flat”- the perspective of Thomas Friedman referring to his argument that technological advantages of the modern era have shortened the economic distance between any two locations in the world
14. differences between Globalization 1.0, 2.0, 3.0- 1.0: countries globalizing- imperial pursuit of land and resources; 2.0: companies globalizing- corporate pursuit of profits, markets, and labor; 3.0: individuals globalizing- increased presence of non-Western, non-white participants
15. challenges facing US in a “flat” world- increased global workforce; fragility of the global economic system (i.e. shifting centers of economic prosperity); global supply chain fragmenting production processes scattering employment opportunities worldwide; less regulated regions of the world where labor, resource, production, and trade costs are lower
16. critiques of Friedman’s “world is flat” thesis, according to Gonzalez
17. globalization - interconnection of societies associated with rapid flows; expands and accelerates the exchange of ideas and commodities over vast distances; the increasingly global relationships of culture, people, and economic activity.
18. three dimensions of globalization - 1.) People: movement of people from place to place. 2.) Capital, goods, artifacts, and economic stance. 3.) Ideas and ideology: religion, politics, cultural aspects.
19. migration
20. remittances - the sending/transferring of money by a foreign worker to their own country.
21. syncretism - (linguistics) cultures blending, cultural synthesis,
22. significance of budae jigae- the surplus food from US Army bases, combination of hotdogs and noodles, found in Seoul due to food being scarce.
23. significance of cathedral-mosque of Cordoba-The site was originally a pagan temple, then a Visigothic Christian Church before the Umayyad Moors at first converted the building into a mosque and then built a new mosque on the site.
24. Roman Empire- (200 AD) evidence of Roman Empire found by Roman currencies.
25. Han Dynasty - (200 BC-200 AD) co-existed with Roman Empire (economic relationships) Most valuable commodities: gold, silver, rugs, glassware, silk, porcelain, spices (pepper, cardimum, cloves, coriander), medicinal herbs.
26. Silk Road - connected Europe, Middle East, and Asia. Adversities: bandits/robbers, geographic