Essay about Architecture: Tourism and Film-induced Tourism

Submitted By avrilcao
Words: 2750
Pages: 11

Cactus Tourism Journal Vol. 2, Issue 2/2011, Pages 25-30, ISSN 2247-3297

How film and television programs can promote tourism and increase the competitiveness of tourist destinations
Claudia-Elena Ţuclea1
Assoc. Prof. PhD, Department of Tourism&Geography, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania

Puiu Nistoreanu2

Prof. PhD, Department of Tourism&Geography, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania

This paper outlines the correlation between the power of film (both movies and television series) as a motivational and image-making tool and the attractiveness of tourism destinations. In the light of this relationship, our research analyses the phenomenon of film-induced tourism. Even this phenomenon has been recognized and reported, very few comprehensively studies of it have been published. The evidence that has been put forward to date has mostly been anecdotal, pointing towards the capacity of popular films and television series to attract tourists, in the form of enthusiastic fans and interested audience members.
Despite the fact that statistics concerning directly the impact that films have had on tourism are limited, there are still some remarkable figures. Countries like UK, Australia, and New Zealand have an increasingly interest in studying and developing the film-induced tourism. Given the existence of this type of tourism and the potentially significant economic value of this strand of tourism to the economy, understanding the drivers of film-induced tourism and exploiting its effect are crucial issues to comprehend. This paper evaluates a number of key questions and provides a stronger insight into the nature of productions which can induce tourism and recommends ways in which this relation can be strategically maximized from the economic and cultural point of view. In the current context of decreasing the Romanian tourism and film industry development, approaching together their augmentation can represents a valid solution for both industries.
film-induced tourism, tourism imaging, tourist destination competitiveness, economic impact of filmmaking tourists JEL Classification
L83, M39

This paper has as a main objective the attempt to identify the dimension of academic interest in this new type of tourism and to be aware of the consequences of this kind of touristic activities. The research method is mainly based on secondary sources, given being the fact that Romania doesn’t collect such statistics.
Film and television tourism (or “screen tourism”) is a phenomenon which has long been acknowledged and reported, but few in-depth studies of it have been published. Within the last decade film-induced tourism has gained increasing attention from academics and the industry alike. While most research has focused on the tourism-inducing effects of film productions, not much has been written about the film location tourists themselves.
The evidence that has been put forward to date has mostly been anecdotal, pointing towards the ability of popular films and television programs to attract tourists, in the form of fervent fans and interested audience members.


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Cactus Tourism Journal Vol. 2, Issue 2/2011, Pages 25-30, ISSN 2247-3297

Some of these anecdotes relate to major blockbusters, at the same time as others are specific to smaller
“cult” screen products. But despite the anecdotes and certainty that screen tourism does indeed exist, a number of questions about the nature of this effect remain to be adequately answered. These include:
• What kinds of film/television programs successfully convert audiences into tourists?
• How long does this effect last – only as long as the film/program is popular, or does it have a more permanent impact on tourism?
• Which locations benefit from the tourism effect? The shooting locations or