Argumentative Essay On Of Mice And Men

Words: 668
Pages: 3

In the book “Of Mice And Men”, two lifelong buddies George and Lennie struggle to live during the harsh times of the great depression. Only having each other, they manage to survive and strive towards their goal of living on a ranch, which wouldn’t have been so effective it wasn’t for Lennie. Day after day, they would work hard to “make a stake” to actually make their dream become a reality. That dream soon came to a despairing end when Lennie accidently murdered Curley’s wife with his own two hands. After Curley found out, he swore that he would make sure Lennie had a brutal death so George finally decided what must be done. George had to kill Lennie to save him from the consequences that were waiting for him once Curley found him. George had to kill Lennie because he knew it was the right thing to do and didn’t want him to die in the hands of an enemy and also because if Lennie should be kept alive, Curley would make sure Lennie’s life must be filled with pain and misery. Lennie doesn’t understand what is wrong with him nor does he recognize he has a mental issue. Unfortunately, death ought to have been a better option for Lennie.

George killing Lennie was the right thing to because if Lennie had remained alive,
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As stated in the other paragraphs, Lennie doesn’t understand he has a mental issue nor does he recognize his own strength. Throughout the whole book Lennie has been killing things left and right without really giving much thought of what he was doing. According to the text stated in page 5, paragraph 7, it states: “ I’d pet em, and pretty soon they bit my fingers and I pinched their heads a little and then they was dead- because they was so little.” According to the text stated in page 42, paragraph 4, it states: “ Why do you got to get killed? You ain’t so little as mice. I didn’t bounce you hard.” “Now George ain’t gonna let me tend no rabbits, if he fin’s out you got