Arguments Against Gun Control

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Pages: 4

Gun control is a highly debated topic and especially in the United States. The question about pros and cons of guns always bothered me. Are the guns to protect us or to harm us? How can be sure such a dangerous weapon is not in wrong hands. Is The Second Amendment really protecting our rights? Second amendment gives each person right to carry a weapon, but is that safe? All those questions make me to choose this topic for my Persuasion Campaign. The audience of my campaign is the adult population at large, most likely uninformed and critical. My ultimate goal is to change the core beliefs and the attitude of my audience. I combined as much as I can persuasion technics and tools to make sure my message will reach my audience. Persuasion tools …show more content…
Critical audience is believed to be intelligent with some knowledge on the subject. I will use evidence, facts, and statistic and rational argument. The uninformed audience is most likely with no opinion on the subject and open for arguments. In my campaign I am relaying to reach the audience by focusing on the emotions, but at the same time support my argument with facts and logic. As we know most people act on their feelings and later justified their action with logic or truths. Some studies show that we make 90 percent of our decisions are based on emotions. For example the campaigns on TV for neglected animals, sick and hungry children are wagering on people’s emotions. Another key factor in winning the audience is using a testimony, logic and statistic. People believe in logic and …show more content…
I chose red as color because this is the color of aggression, catches the attention and states “Action”. My idea is to push gun control, but with the message “No Guns” I am using approach go- big then small. The audience will expect complete ban on guns, so when I present measurements on gun control they will be more willing to accept them. The audience has an illusion they are in winning g position. In next couple of slides I quoted the Second Amendment and give brief history why is created. On that I can build my argument. Quoting the Founding Fathers give the audience feeling for admiration, this is part of testimonial persuasion technic. The next slides are combination of emotional appeal, statistics, and facts supported with graphic images and powerful messages.” Between 1966 and 2012, there were 90 mass shootings in the United States. Mass shootings are defined for the study as having four or more victims and don't include gang killings or slayings that involve the death of multiple family members “. (slide 6) Using agitate and solve technic, my idea is to disturb the viewers, make them feel guilty even if they think to have a gun, make them feel guilty for all evil in the world. Later offering them a solution of the problem will give them sense of relief. In the next slides from my power point I use storytelling technique as well, is proven that always catching the attention of the