Assignment 305 Task A: Six Assessment Methods

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Pages: 4

Assignment 305 - Task A

a) Six assessment methods, with examples of when and how they could be used.
1st. Role play – this is used to test the knowledge and to make it more like a life like assessment, and can help if someone hasn’t experienced the task before, to understand what they would do.
2nd. Projects – by doing this assessment, it will take a lot longer to achieve, but a great way to assess if you are looking to see how they plan, and priorities tasks throughout the assessment.
3rd. Tests (Questions) – this can be a broken down main test, to check that the trainee is on track to complete the final test at the end of the training session.
4th. Self Assessment - It would be used summatively at the end of a session to assess the student’s progress towards their criteria throughout the lesson.
5th. Witness Testimony - this is a statement by a witness of a student undertaking an assessment.
6th. Examination – a formal test, normally at the end of the course. An exam allows an assessment of the full course as trainees will not know exam paper prior to exam.

1st. Witness Testimony – this is witnessing the trainees during an assessment and writing a statement detailing the assessment. This is used to confirm achievement. The strength of a witness testimony is the ability to record assessments for trainees who haven’t experienced a
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Learners – there are a number of sources that should be made available to the student, these include all assessment records of the students, attendance records of the student and feedback given to the student. Care must be given to ensure only the learners work is given. As important is the learners receiving the assessment criteria to ensure they understand the criteria and work required to achieve it. The appeals process should also be told to the student to ensure they know what to do if they are not happy with their assessment. Learners’ ILPs should be made available to allow them to see what their learning plan